How to Lift Weights

Want to learn how to lift weights? It takes some know-how to really setup a proper workout routine that will result in some noticeable changes in your body, you can't just do some bench press and curls and expect a massive body, it's a lot more complicated than that. Here are a few key things you need to keep in mind if you want to gain weight and build a muscular body

1. Reps and Sets

Want to know how to lift weights? Well the first thing you need to understand is the concept of reps and sets. Reps mean the amount of times you can lift a weight until you reach muscle failure. You want to pick a weight that you can just barely get 8 reps out with. Then once you've done that, you will rest for a minute and a half and go at it again, probably getting out 6 reps or so. By doing this, you will be executing your second set, it's usually a good idea to do 3-4 sets before moving on to a new exercise.

2. Breathing

When you are doing these reps, it's important to breathe. You want to inhale while you're lifting and exhale while you're letting the weight down.

3. Form

It's also key that you execute your lifts with proper form, obviously I can't go over the proper form for every exercise with you, but make sure you read up on an exercise sufficiently before attempting it to prevent injury.

4. Get Enough Rest

You should try and get a day's rest in-between each of your weightlifting sessions, this will give your body enough time to repair itself.

5. Setup A Routine

A good routine would be to work Pecs then Triceps on Monday, Quads and Calves on Wednesday, Back, Shoulders and Biceps on Friday and leave the weekend for resting.

By Mike_Muscelli