Make Your Diet Plan and Lose Weight Healthy

There are many low cal diet plans for weight loss available online. But most of them require a lot of attention and care. Also the food items they mention are many a times hard to find. Besides, such restricted diets keep you starving in the long run. Also these diets take away the water weight that you gain back the moment you stop dieting. You can easily plan a diet for yourself taking 1000 calories a day. On an average our body needs 1200 to 1500 calories per day. Going below 1000 units might put you on starvation.

What to Eat and What Not to Eat

· Delete saturated food & junk food from your food list. Also delete rice, potatoes, white flour, oily food, etc.

· Replace these with whole grains, lean proteins, raw fruits & vegetables, nuts, salads, juices, etc.
· Eliminate sodas from your diet plan.

· In place of sugar, for sweetening use apples & honey.

· For dressing the salad use lemon, cayenne pepper, and low sodium salt.

· Avoid alcohol & caffeine in all forms (smoking, tea, coffee, etc). You may take green tea or white tea instead.
